Who is this underground celebrity?

I was roaming around the Adirondack mountains this weekend and I ran into this rather famous underground celebrity.


This is Edison Pena one of the rescued Chilean miners.  As far as I know he's the most famous for having been on the David Letterman show and running in the NYC marathon.

He came with the same translator he had on the Letterman show and got a big laugh from the crowd when talking about going through customs and explaining that he was going to a "laughter conference".

He's a big Elvis Presley fan and sang on Letterman..in perfect English but the Humor Project had an Elvis impersonator on-hand to sing for him.  He seemed to enjoy it but my guess is he would have preferred to have done all the singing himself!

I had my picture taken with an older celebrity too and you can make a guess who that is by clicking HERE!




  • Bob says:

    Luis Urzua the last miner rescued in Chile mine disaster.

    Leo: No!

  • Lori Bembeneck says:

    That is James Van Praagh.

    LEO: It does resemble him but no.

  • Jenni L says:

    Frank Mangano

    Leo: Who? No!

  • Ann Parillo says:

    Edison Pena the Chilean miner that loves Elvis. Great story. Surviving through humor…..

  • Darlene says:

    That is a picture of you and Edison Pena, the Chilean miner who ran the New York Marathon.

    LEO: We have a winner!

  • Amy says:

    The next incarnation of Doctor Who? I have absolutely NO idea.

  • Carla-Elaine Johnson says:

    Guillermo Díaz – sidekick on Jimmy Kimmel’s show

  • rebecca says:

    The Goals Guy?

  • Rebecca says:

    gary ryan blair

  • Travis says:

    Leo, he looks like Danny DeVito

  • Tara Keel says:

    I don’t know, but if no one guesses it, Bob should win. The “underground” pun in his answer is awesome! Frank Mangano is a health guru, and since you are my financial guru, that makes sense too!

    LEO: Tara…technically the pun was mine since he was one of the Chilean miners…Edison Pena. 🙂

  • lynn says:

    first Chilean miner rescued!

  • Gregg Millett says:

    Quien sabe? Possiblemente un hombre que escapo, debajo de la tierra, de Chile a los Estados Unidos.

  • Eileen McCann says:

    Edison Pena, one of the rescued Chilean miners.

  • Ed says:

    I thought it looked like Steve Wozniak, who is kind of “underground,” but now after reading the comments, I have my doubts.

    However, my guess is still Wozniak, because it’s my only chance at winning.

  • Bob Young says:

    What’s he doing in the Adirondacks? That’s the guy who plays Mickey Mouse at Disney World.

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