The best thing you did in 2010?

I'm a little late on this but since 2006 I've asked my readers to tell me the best thing they did the previous year.

Think back on the past year and let me know the best thing you did.
It can be in any area of your life...finances, health, relationships, sports, stamp collecting...whatever!
Click COMMENTS below...let us know.  You might inspire someone else.


  • Peggy says:

    The best thing I did this past year was to start an automatic savings plan. The money is automatically taken out of my checking account and into an on-line savings account. I have it split into 2 accounts. One is for my christmas spending and the other is for an emergency fund. It was so nice not to have to worry about how to pay for Chrismas this year!!! Every year in the past I said I would save for Christmas, but this is the first year I actually did it!

  • Michelle says:

    The best thing I did in 2010 was start tracking our spending. It wasn’t really a budget, because it was after the fact, but at least I know (for most months in 2010) where 99.9% of our money went. 2011 will be the year TWO of my children are in college, so every penny will be more precious than ever. I’m so glad I started this process. I see it as a first step to controlling my money in a more meaningful way.

  • Seraphina says:

    The best thing I did in 2010 was hire a career coach. I was laid off from my previous job, which took a tremendous toll on my self-esteem, confidence, etc. – and, since I wasn’t financially prepared, it took a major toll on my bank account as well. But working with a coach helped me land a much better job (better work environment, higher pay, more autonomy, higher status, better benefits) than I would have otherwise – she helped me identify and articulate my skills, present myself positively in cover letters, resumes and interviews, and negotiate for a position worthy of my experience and abilities.

    (As an extra bonus, my confidence soared, which helped me meet the most amazing man after a long period of being single! Without the coaching I would be far less ready for and open to the healthy relationship we’re building.)

  • Nikhil says:

    I can’t say that the best thing I did in 2010 was to subscribe to Leo’s mailing list, since I did it in 2009. 🙂
    Jokes apart, it was to invest time and efforts in myself and regain the lost confidence. As a result, I could accomplish a few things. I booked an apartment in my city and already have a plan in place to pay off the mortgage even before it is sanctioned. I started learning ‘tabla’ (an Indian drum like instrument). I was fascinated by its sound since childhood but never had the opportunity to learn. My boss realized my flare for computer programming and offered a new profile with the programming team in my company, even though I don’t have any relevant formal training. My current manager too is happy with my work and is reluctant to let me go!
    I revived the blog I had started in 2009. It has few readers but gives me a place to write what I feel like.
    The list could really be longer but what’s most important is I worked hard on myself and got a life!

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