Stick to it!

I'm lucky.

I have an advantage over most people who sell information online.

You see, my "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" just plain works.

It has to.

It's based on math.

If 2+2=4 where you live, then my program will show you the fastest way to pay off your debts.

The only question about the effectiveness of "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" is looking back at you in the mirror.

Last month, out of the blue, I received an email from a woman who attended my live class something like 15 years ago.

At the time she was a 40ish year old single mother of two young boys with a mortgage, car payment and credit card debt.

Today she is 55 years old, retiring in a few months, and by the time you are reading this her only debt will be the payment on her used RV which she will enjoy in retirement.

I was so encouraged by her email that I made arrangements to drive the 60 minutes south and interview her on video.

I'm still working on editing that video but here is the audio:

There are several lessons from her interview:

1)Get your numbers down on paper.

2)Perfection is not necessary

3)Make things convenient

4)Despite your doubts, get it going and you will see quick results that keep you motivated.

At the end of the interview she tells a story about having to miss a group vacation with friends because she didn't want to put it on a credit card. It will inspire you, I hope.


Pick up your own copy of "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" by clicking HERE!

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